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This book would not have been possible without the impulse and direct inspiration of two great friends and eco-heroes: Isaac Hernández (photographer, explorer of the “other America” and author of the documentary “Better Together”) and Manolo Vílchez (pioneer of solar cookers , bicycle enthusiast and great connoisseur of our alternative geography).

Many of the stories told here saw the light for the first time in the pages of El Mundo, in Pablo Jáuregui's unique stage as editor-in-chief of Science. Thanks to the teacher Gustavo Catalán, and to Rosa Tristán and Pedro Cáceres, members of the best Science and Environment section imaginable. Thanks also to Miguel G. Corral for the moments shared at the Paris summit, and for his course to Teresa Guerrero, who kept the flame alive despite the pandemic.

I also want to send a wave of gratitude to Mallorca, and to my eternal host Guillem Ferrer, who year after year summons a leading team of world ecology on the island in “Educació per la vida”. I also reiterate my gratitude to Angeles Parra, the "soul" of Biocultura, and Kenny Ausubel, creator of Bioneers.

Thanks also to Olivia Majó, Montse Cano, Manu Corral and Claudina Navarro, fellow travelers at . Thanks to Toni Marín, editor of “EcoHabitar”, where “the possible city” began to take shape. Thanks also to "Integral", "BodyMente", "Viure en Família" and other publications that have opened the doors to me in the last two decades. Thanks to the great family of APIA (Association of Environmental Information Journalists) for admitting me to their ranks despite spending half my life outside of Spain and dedicated to other matters.

A very special thanks to the entire RBA team (Anna Periago, Montse Armengol, Noelia Sender Núñez and Júlia Tardà) for the warmth, encouragement and support received during the writing of this book.

Thanks to Miguel Fresneda for the photography and Daniel Ferreres for the web, both offering invaluable help in promoting the book.

Finally, thanks to all those anonymous ecoheroes who work every day for a better planet, wherever they may be.

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